Elite Mining Consulting Services

EMCS - Transforming Mining Through Innovation !

Geology, Resources & Exploration

You explore to create wealth. You need the most effective methods to find the best opportunities and make informed decisions. With state-of-the-art targeting tools, we can minimise your risks, cut your costs and reduce your time frames. Our independent assessments and advice provide the basis for your decision making.

Our experts integrate complex data sets to generate and refine targets, define controls on mineralisation, and delineate prospective structures and sequences.

We effectively map open pit and underground mines to improve grade control, ore reserve modelling, mine plans and near mine drill targeting.

Our clients turn to us for review, audits and independent assessment of their projects.

We also offer workshops for Geologists, Mining Engineer & Software expert on mineral exploration and mining. You select the modules most appropriate for your staff, your geological environment and your exploration objectives, with examples chosen for practical field study on your property.

3D Geological Modeling

EMCS geologists combine their skills in structural and geological interpretation of ore deposits with the application of new and innovative modeling packages to construct dynamic 3D geological models. This approach creates a unique synergy between the interpretation of geological data and model construction, which is focused on testing and evaluating applied solutions in the exploration and mining process.

Expertise & Experience
Our tools include Leapfrog, ArcGIS in conjunction with conventional packages such as Gemcom, DataMine and Surpac. EMCS applied modeling work flow enables the integration of multiple 3D and 2D datasets, and the real-time, rapid evaluation of exploration targets (district to deposit-scale), while assessing controls on ore distribution, evaluating ground stability and controls on hydro-geology. These tools and our experience allows for rapid and seamless incorporation of results into resource and reserve estimations, mine planning and exploration targeting.

The success of EMCS 3D modeling approach empowers our clients. The controlled evaluation of disparate datasets within a single 3D environment unlocks the true value potential of our client's data.


  • Compilation of historical exploration and mining datasets into a 3D environment.
  • Integration of 2D and 3D GIS datasets.
  • Terrane-scale modeling and 3D exploration targeting.
  • Evaluation of geological controls on ore distribution in 3D.
  • Resource modeling, using defined geological criteria and not by grade alone.
  • Country rock domain modeling, defining geotechnical and hydrogeological domains.

Mineral Exploration Project Management

Successful exploration relies on efficient project management based on effective application and interpretation of geology, geochemistry and geophysics to generate and test exploration targets. Our core exploration management services deliver on testing targets, from grassroots to resource definition drilling projects. We also provide economic assessments and project evaluations.

Exploration Management Services:

  • Project planning, permitting and implementation.
  • Drilling contracting and contract management.
  • Core logging and cutting.
  • Geotechnical and water logging and monitoring.
  • QA/QC design and implementation.
  • Assay contracting and management.
  • Statutory, National Instrument 43-101 and JORC reporting.

Mineral Exploration Project Initiation

Whether you are planning to explore a new area, or thinking about buying an existing exploration property, EMCS exploration consultants can assist in the decision-making process. Using our extensive worldwide, multi-commodity expertise, we can generate regional geological syntheses and collate and review historic data to provide the vital information you need to make informed decisions. We can assist you in locating the relevant project area information, and digitally capture and integrate audited datasets in a fully interactive 3D or 2D spatial environment.

EMCS provides and implements QA/QC designs so that you can identify any shortcomings of existing data and work with validated datasets. A careful design of data acquisition and handling procedures allows you to fully capitalise on all opportunities within your tenement.

  • Exploration Project Services.
  • Regional geological reviews.
  • Regional exploration targeting.
  • Review and validation of historic data, including validation of resources.
  • Due diligence and valuation.
  • Data validation and migration into spatial database environments (2D/3D).
  • Development and implementation of QA/QC methodologies.

Resource Modeling & Estimation

Innovative resource modeling and interpolation solutions for your project.
Our geologists have extensive experience in exploration, database management, resource estimation, grade control and conditional simulation. We can take your project from grassroots exploration through the feasibility study stage and into production.

Our approach to resource estimation combines our strengths in structural geology and ore deposit geology, our understanding of geostatistical theory and our extensive resource estimation and operational mining experience. While each resource estimate is tailored to each specific project, our general procedures typically include:

  • An assessment of the quantity and quality of the data available including database management and verification.
  • The creation of 2D and/or 3D geological and mineralisation models for the deposit.
  • Statistical and geostatistical analysis of the data and the determination of the most appropriate grade and density interpolation methods.
  • Classification and reporting according to accepted and internationally recognised guidelines.
  • We have a large skill base and extensive experience in the use of all the major geological modelling and geostatistical software packages.

We have experience in developing and reviewing geological models and resource estimates for all commodities and deposit types. We also have a large base of competent/qualified persons as defined by the various internationally accepted resource reporting codes.


  • Evaluations of exploration properties.
  • Reviews of exploration sampling results and QA/QC procedures.
  • Optimisation of drillhole targeting for resource definition.
  • Exploration and database management.
  • Creation of 2D and 3D geological, structural and mineralisation models.
  • Statistical and geostatistical analysis.
  • Resource estimation, classification and reporting for all stages of projects from scoping studies through to feasibility studies and operating mines.
  • Due diligence reviews of geological interpretations and resource estimates.
  • Metal accounting and production reconciliations.

Exploration Sampling & Analysis

The collection of reliable samples from a mineral prospect or mine is an essential basis for the production of an accurate resource estimate. The strategy to be adopted must thus be carefully designed so that at each stage of the process, the chance of taking biased, unrepresentative or contaminated samples is minimised.

EMCS has the capability to assess a client's existing sampling programs in order to determine whether the strategy employed by the client is meeting set aims and objectives. Our consultants consider key factors in executing these evaluations, such as, whether the correct sample volume is being taken, whether a change could be introduced which would have significant impact and be cost effective and whether the drillhole or sample layout will provide the level of confidence sought for a subsequent resource estimate.

EMCS exploration consultants have the expertise to design, manage and audit sample collection and preparation procedures on behalf of clients in both the mineral exploration and mining industries. This expertise has been developed over long years of experience during the supervision and auditing of exploration drilling programs undertaken as part of exploration projects and mine feasibility studies and also during the performance monitoring of operating mines. In addition, sampling programs have been designed for base line environmental geochemical studies and for the assessment of contaminated mine sites.

Our technical staff has the necessary statistical/geostatistical expertise and computer software to undertake in-depth studies of assay information obtained from sampling campaigns and to produce detailed conclusions and recommendations.


Sampling and sample preparation protocols should be designed to produce the highest possible data quality given the nature of the target mineralisation and the ground conditions. Issues addressed in such protocols include the following:

  • Optimum sample length, volume or weight and compositing strategy in relation to the physical characteristics of the mineralisation.
  • Optimum sampling methodology and collection procedure to minimise contamination, avoid loss of fines in the case of rotary percussion drilling and to produce representative unbiased samples.
  • The establishment of on-site supervision and checking procedures for drilling and sampling programs. Monitoring of sample recovery.
  • Sample homogenisation and splitting procedures.
  • Duplicate sampling at each stage in the reduction and splitting process to determine the magnitude of errors at each stage.
  • Quality control procedures to monitor sample preparation and analysis at the mine or commercial laboratory.
  • Replicate sampling and analysis to determine precision of sample grades. Comparative studies between assay laboratories and determination of accuracy.
  • Compatibility of assay databases produced by different sampling campaigns.
  • Integration of historical data into current exploration efforts.

Mineral Exploration QA-QC

Appropriate Sampling and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures are essential in all aspects of the mineral deposit evaluation process to ensure the best possible confidence in resultant mineral resource and reserve estimates are achieved; the quality of an estimate is dependent on the quality of the data used.

EMCS experienced exploration consultants can audit, review and advise on quality control procedures in addition to performing data reviews during all project phases.

When reviewing QA/QC data, we typically consider two defined areas: review of the QA/QC procedures in place, and review of the QA/QC database.

Our experienced personnel review existing sampling protocols and advise on the appropriate sampling strategy taking into account both theoretical and practical implications of sampling techniques.

Using a combination of analytical techniques and drawing upon their broad experience of best practice, EMCS experts are capable of drawing pertinent conclusions and making recommendations to clients to ensure compliance with international reporting codes.

We understand the importance of a managed QA/QC program for all projects, ensuring data quality which forms the basis for all resource estimates.

Our resource consultants have extensive experience in reviewing QA/QC data from all project stages, and have experience setting site and regional sampling protocols and associated QA/QC programs. We have undertaken a number of projects managing electronic data capture, validation and management of QA/QC databases to ensure compliance with international reporting codes.

Mineral Exploration QAQC Services:

  • Independent review and practical advice on sampling protocols to ensure compliance with international reporting codes.
  • Recommendations on QA/QC procedures from drilling to sampling to assay and data management.
  • Independent review of QA/QC procedures and databases to ensure compliance with international reporting codes.
  • Verification of exploration drilling programs.
  • Verification of Chain of Custody protocols.
  • Review of sample preparation and laboratory facilities.

Structural Geology

Reduce exploration and mining risk by understanding the influence of structures on grade distribution and mine design.
Many ore deposits are formed within tectonically active areas, such as ancient basins and orogenic belts. It is no wonder then that the vast majority of mineral deposits are affected or controlled, to a greater or lesser extent, by geological structures.

From the perspective of mineral exploration and mining, the potential influence of both large- and small-scale structures on projects cannot be understated with structures impacting most technical issues, including: grade control, resource estimation, targeting, rock mass engineering and hydro-geology.

Regardless of the structural issue, EMCS initial approach is unwavering: understand the problem, understand the economic implications, and focus on the fundamental issues.

Depending upon the nature of the commission, the study may combine: a brief review of salient data and reports, definition of key issues, focussed data collection (outcrop and drillcore), 3D geometrical and kinematic analysis using state-of-the-art software and the integration of findings, resulting in a robust structural model.

EMCS structural geologists have broad experience of technical issues where the understanding of structural geology is paramount during the various stages of exploration and production.

Using their experience coupled with their understanding of geological processes, EMCSstructural experts have recently assisted in the identification of ore deposit controls for near-mine and regional exploration targeting, the characterisation and analysis of fractures to help mitigate mine stability and water in-flow problems in underground environments, 3D modelling of structurally complex deposits to assist with resource wireframing and the definition of structural geometries in geotechnical studies of large open pit operations.


  • Determination of structural controls on mineralisation for use in near-mine and regional exploration programs.
  • 3D geometrical modelling of complex ore bodies for mineral estimation.
  • Integration and interpretation of geological, geochemical and geophysical data.
  • Characterisation of fracture systems for geotechnical and hydrogeological studies.
  • On-site training in structural geology, tailored to the client's project site.
  • Practical advice on the acquisition of pertinent structural data.
Elite Mining Consulting Services