Elite Mining Consulting Services

EMCS - Transforming Mining Through Innovation !

Environmental, Closure & Social Compliance

Proactive environmental planning saves money. What are the issues and regulations? How do you minimize your liabilities? EMCS professional staff have the specific experience you need to satisfy the regulations and apply cost effective, technically sound solutions to your environmental challenges.

Our knowledge of the regulations, field experience, proven technical expertise and a history of success ensures your project proceeds as smoothly as possible.

EMCS environmental professionals provide site assessment, impact analysis, compliance audits, permitting, public involvement and community planning and facilitation, detailed site investigation, soil and ground water remediation, air quality services, waste characterization and disposal, risk management, emergency response, and site closure and rehabilitation.

We work with mines looking for economical, effective compliance; with small businesses and industrial giants that all need to assess and manage risk; and with environmental protection agencies looking for assurances and solutions.

Mine Closure & Reclamation

Protecting the environment and transitioning properties to new land uses.

The combination of our internationally recognized experience in all aspects of mining with our knowledge of local requirements makes us the partner of choice for many clients embarking on mine closure projects.

We recognized the increasing importance of mine closure to the industry in the early 1990s. We made it a central focus and have since worked closely with industry and governments to develop the current state-of-the-art practices that meet today’s necessary requirements and standards.

Mine closure planning is necessary at all stages of a mining operation. Current best practice dictates that all mines should be ‘designed for closure’. Closure plans and related financial securities are also required for permitting in many jurisdictions. Recent changes to standards for accounting of “asset retirement obligations” have created an additional need for mine closure planning and cost estimation. We routinely develop appropriate mine closure plans to meet project specific needs.

Implementation of closure plans begins with the engineering studies, testing and monitoring that translate plans into construction drawings and specifications. Implementation then continues through procurement and construction. Our knowledge here ranges from assistance with tendering and construction QA/QC, to delivery of complete design-build packages.

The importance of mine closure to our business has led to a high awareness of closure requirements by all of our technical specialists. Reclamation and closure planning is routinely incorporated into feasibility studies, operating plans, due diligence assessments and many other areas of our work.


  • Assessment of closure requirements.
  • Management of closure planning.
  • Assistance with public consultation.
  • Development of closure concepts.
  • Waste characterisation and geochemical assessment.
  • Geotechnical characterisation.
  • Hydrologic and hydrogeologic assessments.
  • Water quality predictions.
  • Environment assessment.
  • Earthworks stability assessments.
  • Earthworks design.
  • Soil cover design.
  • Reclamation design.
  • Landform engineering.
  • Water treatment system design.
  • Water diversion design.
  • Construction QA and QC.
  • Construction contract management.
  • Construction environmental management.
  • Design-build packages.
  • Preliminary and detailed cost estimates.
  • Development of cost estimation models manage risk; and with environmental protection agencies looking for assurances and solutions.

Environmental & Social Services

Facilitating decisions: permitting, risk management and social license.

Whether planning a mine, staying on course, suspending operations or closing a facility, mining companies need to satisfy numerous and often complex regulatory requirements while simultaneously addressing community expectations. The complexity can be compounded by a need to prove to investors that risks are handled appropriately. We can assist you in achieving your ultimate goals, whether they are an environmental permit, an investment decision, a “social license” to operate or a closure certificate.

Our practical experience with a wide range of mining projects assures the identification of environmental and social issues critical to a venture’s success. To this end, we work with mining companies to overcome any challenges; with financial institutions to identify and manage risk; and with environmental regulators to provide relevant assurances and solutions.

Environmental and social studies often require a multi-specialist approach. Technical knowledge combined with project management expertise ensures the appropriate level of study is undertaken. Our professionals have the skills and experience to reduce your risks whilst meeting project objectives in a cost and time-efficient manner.

We can assist you with monitoring programs, audits and reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of existing management systems, and identify weaknesses and risk areas in terms of potential environmental failures and community grievances. Audits also provide a forum for the exchange of technical knowledge and identification of cost reductions.

Our environmental and social data management skills can turn your data into information, enabling you to make decisions in real time. Combining appropriate technical skills and experience with available computer technologies enables the processing and integration of large and varied spatial data sets of environmental, socio-economic, mining, hydrological and geotechnical information. Outputs can be analysed and compared, allowing for multi-disciplinary decision support and implementation of unique and cost-effective solution.


  • Site characterization.
  • Baseline environmental and social studies.
  • Permitting for mining and associated operations.
  • Environmental and social impact assessment.
  • Environmental and social management.
  • Environmental liability assessments and financial assurance.
  • Stakeholder involvement and consultation.
  • Resettlement planning and implementation.
  • Environmental and social monitoring.
  • Audits and reviews.
  • Risk assessment.
  • GIS mapping and information management.
Elite Mining Consulting Services